Source code for geo_python.geo_python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from redis import StrictRedis
from .exc import InvalidPointError

default_config = {
    'GEO_REDIS_HOST': 'localhost',
    'GEO_REDIS_PORT': 6379,
    'GEO_REDIS_DB': 0

[docs]class MetaPoint(type): """The metaclass of Point""" def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): """ To declare your own Point, you must be provide the __key__ """ if name != 'Point' and '__key__' not in attrs: raise InvalidPointError("__key__ should be specified") if 'config' not in attrs: config = default_config else: config = attrs["config"] cls.redis_store = StrictRedis(host=config['GEO_REDIS_HOST'], port=config['GEO_REDIS_PORT'], password=config['GEO_REDIS_PASSWORD'], db=config['GEO_REDIS_DB']) return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
[docs]class Point(object): __metaclass__ = MetaPoint def __init__(self, longitude, latitude, member): self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude self.member = member @classmethod
[docs] def create(cls, longitude, latitude, member): """ Create a new Point instance Args: longitude(float): the point's longitude latitude(float): the point's latitude member(string): member """ cls.redis_store.geoadd(cls.__key__, longitude, latitude, member) return cls(longitude, latitude, member)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete this point """ return self.__class__.redis_store.zrem(self.__key__, self.member)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """ Update this point Args: longitude(float): the point's longitude latitude(float): the point's latitude member(string): member """ longitude = kwargs.get("longitude") or self.longitude latitude = kwargs.get("latitude") or self.latitude member = kwargs.get("member") or self.member self.delete() new_self = self.create(longitude, latitude, member) self.longitude = new_self.longitude self.latitude = new_self.latitude self.member = new_self.member
[docs] def get_by_member(cls, member): """ Get a Point instance by its member Args: member(string): member """ longitude, latitude = cls.redis_store.geopos(cls.__key__, member)[0] return cls(longitude, latitude, member)
[docs] def query_by_pos(cls, longitude, latitude, dist=100, unit='m'): """ Query points by position Args: longitude(float): the center's longitude latitude(float): the center's latitude dist(float): the radius of the circle unit(string): m, km or other, the unit of the dist """ member_list = cls.redis_store.georadius(cls.__key__, longitude, latitude, dist, unit) return [cls.get_by_member(member) for member in member_list]
[docs] def query_by_member(cls, member, dist=100, unit='m'): """ Query points by member Args: member(string): the point's member dist(float): the radius of the circle unit(string): m, km or other, the unit of the dist """ member_list = cls.redis_store.georadiusbymember(cls.__key__, member, dist, unit) return [cls.get_by_member(_member) for _member in member_list]
[docs] def dist(cls, point1, point2): """ Calculate the distance between point1 and point2 Args: point1(subclass of Point): a point. point2(subclass of Point): another point. """ return cls.redis_store.geodist(cls.__key__, point1.member, point2.member)
[docs] def geo_hash(self): """ The hash of this point, can be view on<geohash-string> """ return self.__class__.redis_store.geohash(self.__key__, self.member)[0]
def __str__(self): return '<%s __key__:%s longitude:%s latitude:%s member:%s>' % \ (self.__class__.__name__, self.__key__, self.longitude, self.latitude, self.member) __repr__ = __str__